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(In)u is a collection of vases that invites the user to reflect and find himself, through a visual and tactile sensation. This collection is an excellent example of shape simplicity and purity. The external neutrality stands up, keeping its internal essence.

This collection is the result of an investigation made about Invisible Design, through the question “Invisible Design do exist?”

Project Details

Glass Artisan: Alex Añó Fröhlich
Other vases handmade by myself
Materials: Silver, Glass, Polythene and Silicone

“To reflect and to feel free through thoughts without justifications, just for you and for anybody else. Fantastic and absurd thoughts without fear, those who are often unimaginable…”


“Subtle perception of something hidden that arouses the internal curiosity. Something that is manifests in the unconscious and stimulates the conscious. Something abstract that gives wings to the imagination to discover what is beyond …”


“The strength of a bond, an internal and fragile value awakes the unconscious that evokes sensations, often unexplained. The emotional weight influences the perception and follows the conscious day by day …”


“The minimum and the subtle, permit to pay attention to all small details that remain, that are essential and often explain the why…”


“Feeling sheltered, wrapped, protected offers a sense of comfort and well-being allowing an abstraction and a complete environment independence…”

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